The Eyes on Christ ministry began in 2005 with a relatively simple idea modeled after Christ’s ministry. Many times He set the example of ministering to someone physically, revealing who He is spiritually, and then He discipled the individual. Conservative estimates indicate 544 million people, mostly in developing countries, cannot see clearly and do not have access to eyeglasses. It is our goal for Eyes On Christ to fulfill the Great Commission by helping lost souls with their physical eyes so that they will open their spiritual eyes to the Gospel. The ministry is based upon James 2:15-16.
An Eyes On Christ vision care team, at the request of a missionary on the field, will bring the necessary equipment, supplies, and expertise to conduct eye care clinics. The service is provided to the missionary at no cost to the missionary. Eyes on Christ can work as standalone clinics or in conjunction with other medical missions to aid missionaries in expanding their work and influence. Since 2005, Eyes on Christ has visited over 15 countries, provided over 20,000 pairs of sunglasses, 15,000 bottles of eye drops and dispensed over 10,000 pairs of glasses. In addition, Eyes on Christ has provided for missionaries by; mailing unavailable over-the-counter eye medication and supplies to missionaries, been available to advice, via video chat, about medical eye concerns of missionaries, and supplied over-the-counter reading glasses with detailed instructions for determining correct power to missionaries who were unable to host a clinic. Eyes on Christ, on two occasions, have supplied vision saving glaucoma medications to missionaries that have developed the disease while serving on the field. As a result of these efforts Eyes on Christ has seen over 3000 professions of faith and 10 churches have begun at the site of former eye care clinics. We are now beginning to see some of those churches support missions financially and send out their own missionaries.
Sister Julie is well trained to lead such a ministry. She brings to the ministry over 30 years of experience having worked in many aspects of eye care. She has earned from Indiana University an A.S. in Ophthalmic Medical Technology, B.S. in Science and Math and a Master’s in Public Health Management. She is certified as an ophthalmic technician by the Joint Commission On Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology (a distinction held by under 3500 people worldwide). More importantly, Sister Julie professed Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior in 1992 and strives to use her talents in the field of ophthalmology to bring the gospel to a lost world.